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SGL offers customisable pre-poured media solutions to facilitate your Microbiology Workflow.

Fully tailored, high-quality media products for all microbiology applications.


  • Do you produce a “specific to you” culture media in-house?
  • Are you struggling to find the off-the-shelf pre-poured format you need?
  • Do you have a proprietary formulation or packaging requirement?
  • Do you require additional QC testing not catered for as standard?
  • Is in-house culture media becoming too costly or time-consuming to produce yourself?
  • Is demand outstripping your manufacturing capability?
  • Do you have costly materials being bought in small volumes?
  • Are you experiencing inconsistent performance or high variability batch to batch?
  • Do you have inconvenient storage and shelf-life restrictions?

SGL is helping many of our customers remove these problems within their daily laboratory operations. SGL is experienced in taking on new formulations, different fill volumes, packaging requirements and QC testing specifications. Our customised media solutions can be provided in small batches and up to very large batches of media. The manufacture and delivery of these can be timed to suit your workflow.

  • Custom Formulation – Product formulation can be tailored to suit your process. From specific neutraliser mixes to completely proprietary formulations. These can be taken on and scaled to suit exact requirements. Our R&D team will work with your laboratory to deliver media solution that fits exactly to your needs.


  • Flexible with formats – SGL offers any fill volume for media products, in a wide variety of presentations and packaging. You can simply tell us what you need or let us suggest a format to suit your process.


  • Full R&D support – Let our technical team take you on the journey. Move an in-house product to a consistently performing, fully QC tested and commercially supplied pre-poured media product.


  • Media on tap – We can work with you to understand exactly your laboratory workflow. We can arrange the media you need when you need it. No delays, avoid waste. Maximise your productive time. We can also work with you to validate shelf life extensions or storage conditions.


  • Bulk purchasing – Raw materials are procured by SGL more cost-effectively. Combined with larger batch manufacturing capability and automated manufacturing this often delivers a cost saving.


  • Fully tested – All products released by our QC laboratory, which is accredited to ISO17025, with rigorous testing before release and a CofA issued online.


For more information, or to speak to our highly trained sales team, email:

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