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Student Work Experience


SGL was delighted to have 2 students (Benjamin and Kiera) join us in our QC lab for their Student Work Experience

We know first-hand how valuable time spent in a work environment can be and being able to share our knowledge and excitement about microbiology is a highlight in our day.


Words from the students:

Benjamin is 17 years of age and is currently studying A levels, Chemistry, Physics and Maths.

“Everyone was welcoming, all willing to show you how the lab works and allowed you to gain hands-on experience with all techniques.

Highly interesting to learn new content and experience lab work first-hand.

Accepted into the team and allowed to help where possible, enhancing the learning from the experience.

Highly enjoyable work experience, learning and practising new methods while being helped by everyone.”


Kiera is 17 years of age and is currently studying A levels, Chemistry, Biology and Maths.

“All the staff within the company are very friendly and accommodating to students.

QC lab was amazing as they explained all the processes in depth and were all very friendly.

I had an amazing week doing all the different techniques and experiments, I learned so much information and loved experiencing a real-life lab environment.”


SGL wish you both the best of luck for the future.


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